Father To The Fatherless

27 SEPTEMBER 2016, 01:35 AM
Will you sit and talk to me ?
For they say you are the one who truly sees.
As this night creeps into me,
I want to believe that your light will help me see.
They say you are the father to the fatherless
So won’t you come now and sit a while with me .?

“Patience Is Bitter But Its Fruit is YUMMY!”

26 SEPTEMBER 2016, 03:20 pm
After an extremly busy afternoon of roaming around the streets of Margao, Mom and Me were craving for some traditional Goan Food. As we were in search for a restaurant nearby, the smell of fried fish wafting out from the local houses: it sure did make our stomachs growl in response. “Hurry up!” Mom said, “keep walking.” Finally we found a food joint; we give in our order and now the waiting process. Waiting for your food to be cooked: when you are as hungry as a lion is one of the most annoying thing to go through.15 minutes have past; I totally look like a puppy trying to make eye contact with the waiter in the hope that it will make the food cook faster. And Finally! I see the waiter walking towards our table with our order, somehow my hunger seems to come back stronger with every step he took towards our table. Wolla! I see just what i ordered – crunchy ,juicy ,crispy golden fried prawns so yummy! It was tastier than described. The wait was worth it.

A Brand New Day To Reflect on Taking The First Step

25 SEPTEMBER 2016, 11:04 am
Today is a brand new day to bring an end to the brooding attitude and a day to start something new. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to travel some place New or you’ve been having a yearning desire to do something you love but you are filled with self doubt or it could be a longing to visit an estranged friend today could be that day if you let it .Pack your bags and head forth see what’s in-store for you ,do not fear yesterday’s mistakes for yesterday is gone. God has created a brand new day to receive with open hands the joy and peace that comes from forgiveness and self love. Take the first step to getting there. Never miss a single God given opportunity for it could be the one that leads you to the path of freedom.